Above anything else, “The Third Typology” brings to mind Hays’s editorial alibi in the introduction to this anthology, when he explains that his goal was to illustrate the recurrence, permutation, and recombination of different themes over the course of the surveyed period. Under these three typologies, Vidler explains, is the City acting as consistent theoretical catalyst, historically verifying the Rationalists’ dependency on the city’s form for their own “organic” typology, which affords them their ironic, layered architecture-as-social-commentary works. Covertly, it is a clever but effective attempt at situating the ’ obsession with the City as locus of architectural meaning within an historical context. Packard in 1933.In 1986, Israeli investors bought the brand from Teledyne which had taken it over much earlier. Though the titular topic is different typologies of architecture, the essay is equally about the three architectural epistemes that delineate the three periods and the typological systems built on them.At least, that is its overt purpose. Packard Bell is a Dutch-registered computer manufacturing brand and subsidiary of Acer.Originally an American radio set manufacturer, Packard Bell Corporation, it was founded by Herbert A.